These themes are all interconnected of course and are equally vital for success in 2025 and beyond. Yet where do you start?

As we are now well into 2025, focusing on the key themes for success is essential for seizing opportunities in 2025 and navigating today’s VUCA world. It will only get more complex as the year moves on it seems.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll share some case studies and insights on how these themes can fuel growth and short and long-term organisational success from the work we do at Peoplewise and Transform Performance International, a Peoplewise company. There is some really compelling data and stories here. I will be engaging our experts across the wider business to get their steer. Diversity of opinion and collective intelligence is always key.

First of all though, let’s cut to the chase. These themes were important in 2024, and they will be important in 2026. They are catalysts to growth and success across all organisations. They are not fads. They will always be important.

🌱 #Growth – organisations need to prioritise growth – it is the one universal thing all organisations are pretty much measured on. Whether it’s revenue growth, profitability growth, cost control (yes that achieves growth too), expansion into new markets, or growth in existing markets, growth is always a key factor and focus. Therefore, leaders and organisations need to unlock growth. We can help you with the keys to unlock this growth.

💡 #Potential – success depends on your people and talent. Setting and executing organisational strategy and empowering people to succeed is all down to your people having the right capabilities. Identifying and harnessing potential is key to driving better performance and overall success. The data is very clear on link to potential and organisational success. I will be sharing that in a follow-up post.

📈 #Development– investing in the right people is essential for growth, to unlock their full potential and yours as an organisation. Once you identify potential and have data on your people, you need to act on it and develop the critical capabilities to drive the success you seek. This will make people better leaders, better line managers and better at their jobs. That in turn will help you reap better rewards.

🌍 #Culture – the right culture is crucial for growth, potential, and development. How is your culture accelerating or blocking your strategy and growth in 2025? Do you actually know? Many leaders are led down a path by themselves, without listening to their people or having data on what their culture is like. In challenging times, organisational culture is about empowering your people to thrive, not just survive.

If you are ready to share, learn, understand and be vulnerable, get in touch, and we can set up time to talk with our experts on what this means for you.

For further details or to explore how we can support your organisation, please reach out to us at

Written by Thomas Lucas, Head of Sales at Peoplewise