Perspectives Leadership and Talent Assessment Solution

A new and innovative way to assess the key indicators of potential, competencies, motivators and derailers that determine success.

What Perspectives measures

Our Perspectives™ Assessment Solution is based on years of experience and research into the key determinants that predict leadership success. The four identified domains – Potential, Competencies, Motivators and Derailers – together form our Perspectives™ Assessment Model.

In addition to predicting differences in performance and potential, these four domains are correlated with key organisational outcomes, including employee engagement, retention, productivity, and discretionary effort and commitment.

Together, these provide four distinct perspectives to ‘see’ which individuals will succeed in which roles and at which organisational level.


the psychological capabilities required for success


the behavioural skills required for success


the values and preferences associated with the degree of fit between an individual and organisation


the counterproductive risk factors that can cause difficulties for otherwise successful people

What Perspectives delivers

Our Perspectives™ Assessment offers a unique and targeted approach to assessing individuals across the talent lifecycle. Powered by our digital talent platform, the process comprises three components: a success profile, an assessment of the four Perspectives™, and reporting outputs tailored to talent management applications at each level of an organisation, including leadership selection and development, high-potential identification, succession, talent pool identification and professional development.

While we recommend all three elements of the Perspectives™ Assessment process, not all talent needs require the development of a success profile. In these cases, the assessment and reporting components are entirely adequate as a talent solution.

The success profile component provides a data-driven criterion that represents ‘what success looks like’ in a given role or at a particular level in your organisation. The success profile captures the unique combination of psychological and behavioural capabilities as well as the values and preferences associated with job role success and organisational fit. It also provides insight into an individual’s counterproductive risk factors that may become derailers.

The assessment component comprises psychometric-based information, derived from our intuitive Perspectives™ online assessment.
To compliment this robust data, for more senior roles we recommend a psychological insights interview conducted by one of our in-house psychologists.

These components are then used to inform the reporting outputs, which vary according to the assessment solution and include platform data and a variety of reports.

Leading self
Leading others
Leading leaders
Leading a business
Leading the enterprise
Roles Individual contributors (graduates, technical apprentices) First line leaders and middle managers (technical specialists) Function heads and senior middle managers (senior technical specialists) Directors, partners and executives (technical experts) Directors, partners and executives of a group of multiple organisations (technical executives)
Scope Potential
Format Online psychometric assessment Online psychometric assessment Online psychometric assessment plus 90-minute interview Online psychometric assessment plus 120 minute deep-dive interview Online psychometric assessment plus 160 minute deep-dive interview

Best uses

  • Leadership selection and development
  • High potential identification
  • Succession planning
  • Talent pool identification
  • Professional development

Key features

  • Assesses the potential of leaders and talent to succeed, progress and develop
  • Explores the four domains of potential, competencies, motivators and derailers in one holistic assessment
  • Completed online in approximately 90 minutes via our secure Enable platform
  • Customisable through success profiles
  • Benchmarks and comparisons against graduate, working population and leadership norm groups
  • Cost-effective and scalable across a business

Success story

Perspectives Assessment in action


To deliver against high-growth plans, an aviation business needed to understand and define what ‘great’ looks like at each leadership level of the organisation, assess leaders against this benchmark and develop leaders based on the identified gaps.


Through our Perspectives™ Assessment, we developed verified success profiles at every leadership level, based on internal stakeholder input and industry expertise. These determined the critical and important indicators of potential, competencies and motivators for each leadership level. Leaders were then assessed and compared against these success profiles to determine level of fit as well as potential development opportunities.


Clearly defined success profiles for each leadership level, providing a blueprint for what ‘great’ looks like

A holistic, standardised and objective process for assessing current and future leaders to inform recruitment and succession activity

Focused development initiatives based on objective talent data

Let’s talk

Are you ready to take talent assessment to the next level? Contact us to find out more and get started.