The integration of Transform Performance International into the Peoplewise family continues at pace

Unlocking Success in 2025: Growth, Potential, Development, and Culture

Thomas Lucas, Head of Sales at Peoplewise, has outlined four critical themes that will drive success for organisations in 2025 and beyond:

– Growth
– Potential
– Development
– Culture

These themes are not just short-term trends, but essential pillars for sustainable organisational success today and in the future.

Blog – Click here

The integration of Transform Performance International into the Peoplewise family continues at pace

Peoplewise and Transform Performance International (TPI) – Clay Pigeon Shooting Social

We are making great progress with our acquisition of Transform Performance International (TPI) to benefit our clients. We are busy behind the scenes combining our strengths to offer you an even more comprehensive suite of solutions to help you achieve your goals.The team at TPI are experts in sales and leadership development having delivered change programmes in 85 countries for clients such as Microsoft, GfK, American Express, and Deloitte.

We are looking forward to being fully integrated this summer, so over the next few months we’ll be sharing some of their case studies, programme highlights and client success stories – celebrating TPI’s legacy and expertise as it transitions into Peoplewise. 

Transform Performance International (TPI) Client Partnerships

Case Study in Focus: Predicting and selecting the best early careers talent at Cadent Gas
Cadent Gas is a gas distribution company that owns, operates and maintains the largest natural gas distribution network in the United Kingdom.

Peoplewise partnered with the HR Team and business stakeholders to understand their needs and jointly agreed a plan of action and measures of success, utilising our British Psychological Society (BPS) registered PsyCap Potential.As a result, 41 successful candidates were selected scientifically and fairly selected from over 2000 applicants, and 100% of candidates received personalised feedback reports. The cohort outperformed previous intakes on all metrics including performance and employee commitment ratings, and talent retention was 100% at 12 months.

Download Case Study (PDF) – Click here
Talk to our Experts
Please reach out to us with any talent challenges you are having and we can learn and share together.
Thomas Lucas – Head of Sales
David Burcham – Sales and Marketing Executive